Bi books

2014’s Best Bi Books unveiled

Bi booksThe Bi Writers Association (BWA) presented their Third Annual Bisexual Book Awards in New York this weekend, with winners in 10 book categories.

The winners are:

Bisexual Fiction
Winner: In Case of Emergency by Courtney Moreno

Bisexual Non-fiction
Winner: Recognize: The Voices of Bisexual Men edited by Robyn Ochs & H. Sharif Williams

Bisexual Romance
Winner: One Kiss with a Rock Star by Shari Slade and Amber Lin

Bisexual Erotic Fiction/Erotica
Winner: Capricious: A Texan Tale of Love and Magic by Julie Cox

Bisexual Speculative Fiction [Sci-fi/Fantasy/Horror/Etc]
Winner: Otherbound by Corinne Duyvis

Bisexual Memoir/Biography
Winner: A Cup of Water Under My Bed: A Memoir by Daisy Hernández

Bisexual Teen/Young Adult Fiction
Winner: Frenemy of the People by Nora Olsen

Bisexual Mystery
Winner: Murder on the Mountain by Jamie Fessenden

Bisexual Poetry
Winner: Joy Street by Laura Foley

Bisexual Anthology
Winner: Recognize: The Voices of Bisexual Men edited by Robyn Ochs & H. Sharif Williams

Bisexual Book Publisher of the Year
Winner: Bisexual Resource Center and Circlet Press (joint winners)

Bi Writer of the Year
Winner: Recognize: The Voices of Bisexual Men edited by Robyn Ochs & H. Sharif Williams, Bisexual Resource Center