This Saturday – 10th May – sees a big BiFest festival in Swansea from 12 noon until 12 midnight. During the day there will be: A set of workshops themed around bisexuality and related issues A set of workshops themed…
Tag: Wales
Bi Visibility: Swansea
Join Bi Swansea at their monthly meeting on Tuesday 20th Septmber, 7:30pm for an open discussion around bi visibility, ahead of Bi Visibility Day on the 23rd. It’ll be at Mozarts, Walter Road, Uplands, Swansea in the front bar at…
Bi Visibility: Cardiff
Another event for Bi Visibility Day 2011! This time it’s a talk and discussion in Cardiff. On Friday September 23rd itself, 12 noon to 2pm Bi Cymru/Wales and Bi Cardiff are holding a talk and discussion workshop for organisations and…
Today, Cardiff!
Cardiff’s second BiFest kicks off later today. The event is run by Bi Cymru/Wales, Bi Cardiff and Bi Swansea – bringing bisexual people, their friends, allies and anyone interested in bisexuality together for a day of workshops around bisexuality and…
Cardiff’s Big Date
The second Cardiff BiFest is set for the start of next month – Saturday, 5th March. The organisers promise a one-day (now annual!) event run by Bi Cymru/Wales, Bi Cardiff and Bi Swansea bringing bisexual people, their friends, allies and…